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Rocket Chinese
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Microphone does not pick up short words, so it is impossible to check pronunciation on basic language units. Especially debilitating for Chinese learners where tonal pronunciation is crucial.

There is very little teaching. Provided flash card sets dumping 30 new terms with no organization, no intuitive backbone reflective of that of the language itself makes me question the expertise of the instructors. This weakness is also reflected in sloppy errors: voice lines which don't match the text underneath, an occasional condescending tone to the learner, and statements that words completely new to the learner were already covered in previous lessons when they were not.

This software would be acceptable if it was free, but given the high price, it's quality does not justify a purchase.

Response from Rocket Languages

We're sorry to hear that you are not happy with the course. We always provide a 60 day money back guarantee, so please get in touch with us if you prefer a refund. You might also like to know that we are in the process of updating the Chinese course (among other languages) this year so if you decide to keep the course, you will get access to the updated lessons at no further cost.