Daniel Joseph

Daniel Joseph

United States

Rocket Chinese
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The more I go through the course, the more frustrating it gets. Instead of learning and practicing individual words, I'm supposed to memorize incredibly complex sentences without understanding the meaning of how all the words work together in the sentence. There is no logical progression from learning words to forming sentences. As a result, I forget everything immediately and feel demotivated. And I stumble over the pronunciation because I have to say ten new words at a time. There is no daily reinforcement of previous lessons, which makes the course meaningless over time.

Response from Rocket Languages

Thank you for your review, Daniel. If you are finding the Interactive Audio lessons quite challenging, then we would recommend going through the Language and Culture lessons first. Once you have a better understanding of how the language works, you may find that the sentences make more sense. If you continue to find yourself feeling demotivated, please don't hesitate to reach out to the customer support team on [email protected].