Rocket Languages Reviews

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Rocket Spanish
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I like the audio lessons. The new "know it" part seems a little redundant. The quizes are much too easy. There is very little practice writing or otherwise to really get concepts from a lesson nailed into the brain. And finally the organization is a totally a mess! Where is the overall lesson plan? There is so much repetition between the "Beginners Book" or whatever it is called and the language and cultural lessons, and the lesson numbers don't match, etc...I think there should be at least an order, like read lesson 3.1 in the manual, then listen to the audio lesson 3.1 and then do the cultural lesson 3.6 or something like that. Also the "say it" part where you speak to the computer doesn't really help me at all or my pronunciation. Hearing it helps with that.
Overall it is a pretty good method but could use a better format and overall organization. Bueno, creo que eso es todo.