Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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4741 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

76.7% (3638)

4 Stars

15.4% (730)

3 Stars

4.9% (231)

2 Stars

2.1% (98)

1 Star

0.9% (44)

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wyatt canlas

Wyatt Canlas

Quezon City , Philippines

Rocket Japanese
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This is a good website\app to learn basic things about the language, but I have one question. Why does the tutorial audio not working on the japanese course

Response from Rocket Languages

Response from Rocket Languages: Hi Wyatt - I have emailed you to find out more about the audio issue you are experiencing. As far as we can tell everything is working as it should be.


Lionel Grant

United States

Rocket Italian
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A good way to learn some basic language skills that can assist with getting around a foreign country.

Robert Shiplett

Robert Shiplett

New Brunswick , Canada

Rocket Japanese
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the rōmaji on the flashcards is driving me away from using Rocket for Japanese.

just maddening to have in SETTINGS as OFF

In 1/5 of a lsdon, I can set English OFF but where i WANT it off, it is stck ON as a feature ?!?

Response from Rocket Languages

Response from Rocket Languages: Hi Robert, you can turn the romaji, kana and kanji on/off in the FlashCard settings at top right of the FlashCards themselves.

rawan walid

Rawan Walid

Abu Dhabi , United Arab Emirates

Rocket French
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it is a very nice app i would recommend it to any one who needs to improve

Stefano Baldacci

Stefano Baldacci

Munich , Germany

Rocket German
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I think the course is very well structured and easy to follow. Speakers Nik and Paul are very nice. Recommended !

Snowah Kjeldsen

Snowah Kjeldsen

Kyoto , Japan

Rocket Japanese
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It's hard to accurately review Rocket Language Japanese, since the levels are so different in quality, but after 2+ years I believe that I can give you a very accurate impression of the first 2 levels, I hope, unless major changes has been made in 2019-2020 (I still haven't made it past level 2, and I haven't used the course since December 2019).

Level 1 is AMAZING! 5 stars! I couldn't recommend it more!
True story: after doing the first section, it helped me land a job in Japan!
I had to do an interview in Japanese via Skype (I needed conversational Japanese for the position), and several of the Q&A was straight of Rocket Languages Japanese Level 1!! I honestly felt that I only had basic Japanese, but the interviewer considered my level to be conversational Japanese and I landed the position!

Level 2 is such a disappointment! The conversations are wayyyy to fast compared to Level 1, and the target language is not anywhere near as useful for everyday living in Japan, I find. Keigo should be taught at a much later stage, and instead it would be much more useful to teach colloquial Japanese that you can actually use with your friends! When you use the masu form that is mainly used in the course, your friends will say: "Yeah...

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Response from Rocket Languages

Response from Rocket Languages: Hi Snowah - We are in fact starting on a complete revamp of Rocket Japanese very shortly! All new lessons will be available to existing members for free.

Tim Fairhall

Tim Fairhall

United Kingdom

Rocket German
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German Level 1 was great - detailed and thorough, moving at a good pace. I have just started Level 2, and it is a different thing entirely, and unfortunately not at all good. It seems to have been botched together from a previous, separate attempt at a course (the numbered Audio lessons are completely different in the lesson plan and in the audio track), and it doesn’t follow on from Level 1 in any meaningful way (there’s repetition of stuff we’ve already covered).

Most disappointing is a dramatic drop in quality of the Language lessons. The grammar explanations are much shorter, and leave gaps and questions unanswered. The lessons on Dative and Genitive are terrible - cursory explanations and patchy examples. Example sentences either display grammatical features which go wholly unexplained in the text; or fail to display the relevant grammar at all. Poorly thought out, and a frustrating contrast to the excellent Level 1.

Response from Rocket Languages

Response from Rocket Languages: Hi Tim - At the start of 2020 we revamped all of Rocket Germans Level 1 Language & Culture lessons (the ones you speak highly of!), and were it not for the pandemic we would have also released fully updated Interactive Audio lessons for Level 1 as well (these are probably a month or so away now). Level 2 is going to be revamped in the style of Level 1 soon.

John Hughes

John Hughes

United Kingdom

Rocket Korean
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It is such a shame. Rocket has the potential to be really good, but lack of attention to detail and poor explanations mean that it fails to reach its potential.

I have almost finished my Rocket Korean course. I have benefited from it, but only because I have a Korean wife, who has been able to explain things that Rocket have left vague, not explained well or just got plain wrong. First, the good things. The reinforcement process (Flashcards, oral repetition and so on) is excellent and has helped things to stick in my mind. The voice recognition software is also pretty good. It is weak on short words of one or two syllables, but in general works well. The audio conversations and reinforcement within them are also decent. There are three big problems with Rocket, however. Firstly, it’s explanations of grammar are not very clear and sometimes contain errors. Secondly it illustrates concepts with sentences that are far too complex and contain sections which are not explained. This is incredibly frustrating, because it means that you end up rote learning a lot of phrases rather than learning how to construct your own sentences. Finally the reference material and structure is very weak.

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Response from Rocket Languages

Response from Rocket Languages: Hi John - Thanks for the detailed feedback. We have recently added in subtitles to the Rocket Korean Interactive Audio course. That should help with finding the correct position. We are also looking at adding in "bookmarks" so that certain points can be highlighted for future reference. We will email you to find out more about some of your other points!

Simon R

Simon R


Rocket Chinese
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I think there is a lot of hard work that has been put into these products, but there is just way to much English. I want to hear introductions my name is , i am your host all in my target language from lesson 1 then 100 lessons in it is all so I tested level 2 but started with so much English. We need to be flooded with our target language and get the explanations later.

Brian Holsneck

Brian Holsneck

United States

Rocket German
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Been doing the Rocket German for about 3 months. So far, I've enjoyed it for the most part and am looking forward to getting into the second Level. My one complaint/suggestion is that I find the written lessons to be poorly set up. The focus looks like it is supposed to be on grammar in many lessons, yet they are taught with 20+ new vocabulary words in many of them. So instead of focusing on the new grammar rules, you get lost trying to figure out what all of the new vocabulary is. Would suggest using only words already known when first introducing a grammar lesson so that the focus is kept on the grammar and not diverted to the new words. I've come out of several of the written lessons with no more knowledge of the grammar rules then when I went in because 90% of the examples were with new vocabulary. Audio lessons are great though, and overall I still think there are many positives. Looking forward to the updated level one German whenever it is due out.

Response from Rocket Languages

Response from Rocket Languages: Hi Brian - It's a balancing act to know when new vocabulary should be introduced, as everyone is different in how they learn. Our approach has been to deliver common words and important terminology in our lessons, so that over time the essential vocabulary you need is built up.